Monday, June 07, 2010

How much is too much?

How much is too much? This is a question I have been pondering about lately. Not just regarding clothes or gadgets, but material things in general.

SO I love clothes! I love to put things together and create outfits. My shopping habits have been something I have been battling ever since I can remember. At various points in my life, I have been really disciplined and others, I have not been. This past weekend, I felt like I spent a lot of money on groceries and things that I don't really need, but are helpful. Like a wine stopper! I have wasted bottles of wine because I have never had the proper wine stopper. The one I got has a air tight suction thing that supposedly keeps your wine staying fresher and for a longer period of time. Groceries though are something I need. I rarely eat out and so I don't feel as bad about spending money on groceries. I don't always know though if I am spending too much for one person. I like to eat healthy and so that is usually more expensive. Anywho, I also made a trip to Gap. I bought everything on sale and spent under 40 dollars. Which I thought was pretty good! I had the money, but does that make it ok to spend it? I know I have enough many pairs of jeans or shirts do you really need? I am not entirely sure because I like new things and I seem to keep buying.

I try to budget, but it doesn't work for me because I do not have a steady cash flow. I basically live paycheck to paycheck. I tithe, save, pay the bills I have and give. So after that is done, is it ok to go and spend the left over money on what you want? Should it just sit in my account? I want to live simply but I LOVE NEW CLOTHES and STUFF! I don't even know what that really means...I go back and forth. I think a lot of it probably had to do with the heart attitude. What is the limit of having too much? Not sure. It is something I am praying about.

Thoughts or suggestions...?

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