Monday, May 03, 2010

what good is it if you love those who don't creepify you?

jon and i are learning a new circumstance under which to persevere in love: creeped-out-ness.

God is turning our eyes from us to others, slowly and sometimes in ebbs and flows, but surely. one demographic He has been giving us eyes to see is our neighbors. we've had lots of, hopefully, first conversations with them. one enclave of these neighbors lives on the street behind us and all of these are children (with which we've talked and spent quite a bit of time). one particular little boy, probably around 7, spends a considerable amount of time with jon, waiting for him when he knows jon will come home from work, mowing with jon, gardening with jon. and all of this, we've been excited about because we want to know, not just know about, our neighbors, loving them, showing them Jesus by our lives (hopefully), but jon just had a little interview with this boy that left us quite creeped out. the interviewee was jon.

jon, what's the password to your garage?

you don't need to know that.

hmmm. what's upstairs in the garage?

just some cardboard

oh. how much do you make?


these are the first of their kind from this boy. and if we didn't both have a lot of experience with children, this maybe wouldn't concern us, but we do and have never been asked questions like this albeit maybe the question about income, but never questions like this in a line of unrelenting interest. we're concerned that they maybe came from his parents; we think from his and his sisters' comments that their family life isn't the best. anyway, before we loved them easily because of them - their obedience and the like - now, we're learning to love them because of God. another facet of knowing what luke said in chapter 6, verses 36-39.

1 comment:

  1. Lissa, it's Jacque from ISU!! So long to speak to you old friend. We should catch up. Are you in Ames still? Saw your mom a few weeks ago but did not have the chance to speak as I was heading off to my job. Give me a call sometime soon.

    We sure would love to see some photos of you and Jon and how your lives are going.

    Blessings {jacque}
